This is my new aquarium. It is a community aquarium and it has many different species of fish. My little aquarium has sixty four fishes. The fishes are swimming happily in the tank. I will feed them twice a day with tiny food pellets. Can you see that angry alligator standing on top of the cave? Well, that is his cave and he is guarding it. He will eat any fish that goes into his cave. Naughty gator!
My aquarium has :

Cardinal Tetra

Black Skirt Tetra
My favourite fish, Guppy

Scissor Tail Guppy

Glass Catfish

Glowlight Tetra

Rummy Nose Tetra

Zebra Danio
Leopard Corydoras
Corydoras Panda
A closer look at that naughty alligator.
The twin rainbow-mills.
A short video of my little aquarium.